Since, most of the kids are growing up in a home packed of devices; it is hard to keep kids away from these devices such as smartphone, tablet, and laptop and so on. Though most of the people along with parents think that, these devices with powerful technological integrations are harmful for child’s mind and body, but the opposite also can be true if they can use these devices under elder persons’ supervision. Beside the harmful impacts, positive impacts smartphones provide can be practiced which can eliminate the negative ones. In this blog we will discuss about the positive ones only.

Positive impacts and benefits of smartphones on children

A new dimensional way of learning:


Apart from traditional and conventional classroom learning, Smartphones can be a new and additional path of learning for the school going kids. Smartphones can let them to access a lot of information and learning resources like, encyclopedia, Wikipedia, online dictionary and many more. The app base learning tools keep updating the recent information, which differ them from textbook by not being stagnant.

Smartphones help to finish homework:

Most of the smartphones have kind of same functions as a personal computer does. These high-end smartphones are loaded with productive and useful apps like documents to go! These tools and apps let school going children to organize their homework, create presentation and school paper. Smartphone has brought up the world just a tap away from us.

Keeping in touch and track them:


What makes smartphones smarter? The GPS system, in this era of technological development it is possible to track anybody or anything with just a tap of your finger on the screen. With a built in GPS system in your smartphone you can track them anytime from anywhere. You also can create a fence for your kid’s safety. Every time he goes beyond that fence, you will be notified.


Again we should thank the modern technology for helping us in enormous ways. GPS system, now it is so easy to find any place in the map. It also shows the real time position of the user. So it is helpful for kids to know the route and navigate themselves in the right rout. Parents also can keep eye on them.

For playtime:


Beside school work and study children need break from their daily routine. Smartphone can be used for playing online. There are lots of kid-friendly games in the play store. The method of reward also can be used for them. If they can finish their household chores or topper in the class they will get a chance to have their smartphone for extra time. But always keep in mind that, these tools and apps must have to be proper for their age. It will be much beneficial if can play with them. Playing with them with their smartphone will not let them be numb moreover; they will be in human and face-to-face contact.

As good as it is, we can’t deny the fact that it can also bring some negative effects to them. It can be highly addictive and can also cause a distraction from their studies. It also opens the door to cyber bullying and restricted content online. That is why it is always significant to observe and govern their usage. so that the positive impacts smartphones gives, can be optimized.

বাংলাদেশের প্রথম এবং একমাত্র সায়েন্স কিট অন্যরকম বিজ্ঞানবাক্স আপনার সন্তানের অবসর সময় সুন্দর করবে, এবং তার মেধা বিকাশে সাহায্য করবে। বিস্তারিত জানতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন।

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