Hello Moms, your kid is more likely to catch something this summer. So, you should get ready for preventing or curing your child’s illness. Since it’s a sensitive issue for them, it is important for you to know about most common childhood illnesses your young genius may get catch. Often it is nothing other than a general common cold – but occasionally there may be indicators of sicknesses you either did not imagine or never even heard of.
RSV (Respiratory synctial virus)
- Most susceptible kids: under 2 years
- Symptoms: fast breathing, wheezing, struggling to breath, lethargic an bluish tinge on lips or mouth
In most cases RSV affects their lungs. The symptoms are relatively mirror and minor of those cold. But if your kid has problems with compromised immune system, chronic lung disease then this virus can be a matter of your kid’s serious illness like- bronchitis and pneumonia. Call your doctor if your child shows up any of the above symptoms.
- Most susceptible kids: children between 5-15 years
- Symptoms: sore throat, red and swollen tonsils, fever, coughing, headache, and swollen neck glands.
Tonsillitis is caused by the viral or bacterial infection. This disease can be spread by coughing, sneezing, or by shaking hands with infected persons. Some pocket or puss can be seen on tonsils. Remember, the contamination is the main way to get caught by this illness. If your kid gets tonsillitis, visit a doctor to identify whether it is viral or bacterial. In case of bacterial tonsillitis your child will need antibiotics to get cured.
Chicken pox:
- Most susceptible kids: under 10 years
- Symptoms: red body rash with liquid-filled blisters and is usually accompanied with a fever, headache and general ill feeling.
Chicken pox is one of the most contagious diseases. But in you can thanks to the scientist and pharmacists for inventing vaccination for this disease. A small invisible drop of this virus can infect your kid. So it is better for your child to take vaccination in time.
Whooping Cough (Pertussis)
- Most susceptible kids: younger than 1 year
- Symptoms: Runny nose, Nasal congestion, Red watery eyes, Fever, Cough
Since 1980’s, whooping Cough is leaving children breathless. It is a severe cough disease, which comes with heavy cough and at a point the patient struggle to breathe and inhale with a sound of whooping.
- Most susceptible kids: 6 months to 2 years.
- Symptoms: high fever, congestion, coughing, and, later, a patchy rash that starts on the chest and spreads.
Sometimes Roseola attacks with so much minor symptoms that you may not even notice it. Generally this disease runs for 1 week. If your kid shows up with high fever for more than three days then you should call your pediatrician and keep him home until the rashes goes off.
- Most susceptible kids: mostly the younger kids
- Symptoms: redness, yellow discharge, blurred vision, and crisp eyes.
Conjunctivitis caused by bacterial infection which needs antibiotic drop to be treated. In some cases this contaminated disease can be caused by virus which needs no medicine or drop to be cured. Do not send your child to school until he is treated for 24 hours. Regularly keep his hand clean and don’t let him rub his eyes with hands. Do not share his cloths, bed, towel or any other thing he uses because, your other family member can be caught by this illness.
- Most susceptible kids: 2-9 years
- Symptoms: fatigue, body aches, headache, loss of appetite, low-grade fever
Mumps is a viral disease caused by the mumps virus. This virus can be contaminated from one person to another through close contacts, saliva and nasal secretion. Since this is a virus caused disease, it does not care about any medicine. When you notice the symptoms, keep your kid in a comfort place, have them plenty of liquid food. If the glans swells, use ices to sooth it.
After birth your child’s immune system is in process to be developed. As they grow and reach to the pick of their immune system, they show up some childhood sickness. So, the diseases above are symptoms of your growing child. But do not forget to care when they got one. One mistake or carelessness can result in severe health hazard.
বাংলাদেশের প্রথম এবং একমাত্র সায়েন্স কিট অন্যরকম বিজ্ঞানবাক্স আপনার সন্তানের অবসর সময় সুন্দর করবে, এবং তার মেধা বিকাশে সাহায্য করবে। বিস্তারিত জানতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন।
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