Suppose, you are answering an email and your kid is asking for something to you. What would you say? “Just a sec”, every nine out of ten parents replies with this and their kids do not get satisfied. So it is clear that jumping out from the internet or devices is not easy to do for the adults.

This is the reason why keeping kids off devices is too hard. Sometimes intimidating doesn’t work and you learn the study that two-minute notices aren’t the best choice either, what can you do? So here are some new strategies around screen time and device use that comfort some parental fault, but you quiet want to get your kid off the phone or tab at some point. Apart from being a solid protagonist, try these instructions to reduce conflict and discover the stability we’re all looking for.

Do not let them be alone:

Be sure that your kid is not alone when you are doing your household chores. Make them sit and play in the same zone where you are working and give them some toys to play with.  Talk to your child as you are finishing your daily household work.


Password protection:

You already know your device has a nice feature of password and locking. Use this feature to keep away your keep from electronic devices. But when you are applying this method you have to keep in mind another thing too- never reveal the process of password locking and password. If they find the device can be unlocked by a password they will ask for that too.

Encourage them for off screen activities:


Inspire your kid to make a fuss of indoor and outdoor games. Play work out with them. Generate new prospects to have them involved – like welcoming their groups for play-dates at home, connecting them in hand-painting, using excess material at household (like toilet paper roll, newspapers, etc.) to create some innovative stuff, etc.

Tell them to have a normal break:

It is hard to stop doing anything while you are in a middle of anything. It is not easy to stop kids using any device when they are into it. Better you talk with them before giving those devices to use. Tell them to have a natural break. You also can teach them about the negative effects of screen time

Be aware about your device use to set good example:


If you are always stuck to the displays of your tablets and smart phones, imagine your kid too to absorb and show the same activities. You have set a good example for your child to learn from you to stay away from these devices. So, minimize your mobile usage or use it when your child is not around. If you can become an example for your child, your job of keeping away from screens and smartphones will be easy to maintain.

Though it is tough to shut down electronic devices like smartphone, laptop or tablet because the more your kids use them, the more they get compelled. But the opposite is also true. You just have to take some steps and follow them strictly.

বাংলাদেশের প্রথম এবং একমাত্র সায়েন্স কিট অন্যরকম বিজ্ঞানবাক্স আপনার সন্তানের অবসর সময় সুন্দর করবে, এবং তার মেধা বিকাশে সাহায্য করবে। বিস্তারিত জানতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন।

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